Sunday, December 5, 2010

Reinventing the Holidays


Did you come to play the game?  Well, here it is:  Post your craziest ideas on how to rework these holidays into something that revives your spirit, deepens connections, and refreshes the planet in some way.  Just for blogging, you have a chance to win a $65 gift certificate at the Creative Healing Center in Bainbridge!

Blog away.  Write your thoughts in the comment section of any or all of the three sections below (#1 Extraordinary Self Care, #2 Deepening Connections, & #3 Greener than Green).  Each article gives you another chance to win. 

Here are the contest Rules:
  • The Creative Healing Center will select (at random) on winner from each of the three categories below.  You can enter all three, or just one or two. 
  • Gift certificates are transferable, but not redeemable for cash. 
  • Drawing will be December 20th at noon.
Questions:  Email Connie or Cindy.

# 1 Extraordinary Self Care...

... and other 'outrageous' ideas.
Who knows what this could be.   Maybe a massage or two (or several!), maybe limiting time with people who get on your nerves, new boundaries, or self-bought gifts. 

This is a tough one.  I have a few very special friends that I can call and say, "Help - need 911 Self Care!  How about coffee?"  Also trying setting aside a few dollars for a massage and a few self-gifts. 

Let's hear your ideas or actions!   Simply writing something gives you a chance for a $65 gift certificate at the Creative Healing Center!  Learn more about services.

# 2 Deepen Connections

Creating Real Moments

There are lots of ways to  make REAL moments. Sometimes speaking a "shared feeling" can bring people together, particularly if there is a loss in the family.  Honoring loved ones, handmade gifts, silliness, and gifts of "time" can add warmth to the group.

One year, quite spontaneously, we ended up playing TWISTER and found ourselves twisting, groaning, falling, and roaring together; creating a holiday we would never forget. 

Please add your ideas, your traditions, your wild variations.  (Who knows... you might be a lucky one winning a luxurious self care gift!)

# 3 Greener than Green

Refreshing the Planet

Let's hear all the ways people can make the world a greener place through the holidays. 

A friend of mine named Trish makes candles out of non-recyclable glass (in Geauga County, anything other than clear, green, or brown is not recyclable).  She places the broken, colored glass between an inner glass votive and an outer, candy-dish type glass container.  The candle shines through the various colors and shapes in beautiful ways.    

Not everyone is as talented as Trish, but many folks are cutting down on materials, wrapping, finding innovative ways to green-up the planet.  Got Green?   Blog your ideas ...